Move Forward
Healing the Pain of the Past

“We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by living fully in the present” Marianne Williamson



Still plagued by your past? As you probably know, sometimes events from the past have a mind of their own. Memories keep recirculating when all you want is for them to disappear.

So you might be asking “How do I get unstuck?” Apply these life-changing strategies to see clearly, get unstuck, and move forward freely.

Focus on the present

When you look with great clarity, you will see that there is no actual thing called the past. Everything that happens happens in the present – it can’t be any other way.

Now, focus on something different – now, feel your feelings – as they are right now. If you want to heal from the past, put your attention on your present moment experience.

Let go

Your goal is to neutralize the story from the past so it loses its power over you. Remember that what you focus on is what will grow.

If you cultivate sadness, regret, and revenge, then they will become your reality. Focus on the learnings and letting go will become easy the more you practice it.

Take full responsibility

How do you make yourself suffer by recycling negative memories through your mind? See you are the one who is in control of your mind. No one but you thinks your thoughts therefore your happiness is your responsibility alone, not anyone else’s. So what makes you happy? Perhaps revisit old hobbies or find new ones that gives you pleasure and happiness in your life.

Find out who you are

Don’t define yourself by your past, you will be living as a fraction of what is possible for you. Live as the awareness that you are – fully alive, here, not in conflict with anything.

Know who you are, and the pain of the past will barely be a ripple…on the surface…of the immeasurable vastness of you.

What have you learned about healing the pain from the past that has helped you? Let’s chat!