Transform and elevate

My Mission.

My mission is to help people who are looking for a different life. Whether that is to find new ways to operate in the life you’re living now, or find out what you really want from life, and make that happen. I am here to help and guide you.

Group training is my very favorite thing about my business because everyone is like family to me. It’s the place to be if you need extra support or encouragement…

Transform and Elevate will fill your bucket every week. You can attend live or watch the replay. You may choose to connect and watch every week or every once in a while. 

Just show up (live or on the replay) if you need extra love and encouragement. 

Get ready for an exciting, empowering, and meaningful adventure!

Become the best you.

Inner work

Knowing and loving who you are is key to having the life you want.


Reduce stress and control anxiety so you can quieten your mind to hear your soul. 


Reprogram your mind to let go of fear, worry, doubt and limiting beliefs about what is possible for you.


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Tools and strategies

Have the right hacks to apply to your life straight away for maximum impact.

Support and community

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Are you ready to…

Ditch the stress, anxiety, overwhelm and your inner critic to run your life?  To step outside your comfort zone and demand something better for yourself.

Feeling comfortable in speaking your mind 

Becoming 100% secure in who you are

Facing life’s challenges with greater confidence and ease

Not caring about what other people think of you

Letting go of negative self-talk that has blocked you in the past

Engaging in conversations with ease and dynamism

 Making positive changes and being able to ask for what you want

Living life on your terms without needing other people’s approval.




Thalie seneque

Transformational Life coach

Join Now

$44 per month