Signs That Indicate You Need Somatic Healing Therapy In Brisbane
In a world where we are busy managing our daily schedules, it is common to prioritise our mental health at the last. Work, family life, and social responsibilities demand maximum time, and time for self-care goes shorter. However, just as we keep a regular check on our physical well-being, it’s important to keep pace with your mental health, too.
Somatic healing therapy sessions in Brisbane can help you cope with mental health issues especially in the areas of isolation and loneliness. Alongside, even if you are following certain tips to nurture your well-being, there can be times when nothing helps at all. Which is why, we have highlighted the common signs that would want you schedule an appointment with us for somatic healing therapy sessions. Check now.
1. Consistent Feelings of Gloominess
You can feel sad from time to time, it is quite normal. However, if this feeling persists for weeks or months without a cause, these can be indicators for depression. This can impact your entire life schedule if you don’t seek for an immediate somatic healing therapy session in Brisbane. We can help you with strategies to manage your symptoms of depression in the right way.
2. Excessive Rate of Anxiety
Worrying is a part of living daily human life. When worry goes out of your hands, it turns into anxiety which leads to panic attacks. If you find yourself constantly on experiencing fear and running away from facing situations, it is high time for a therapy. Our therapist will suggest you relaxation techniques and mindfulness practices to help you cope with anxiety.
3. Experiencing Physical Symptoms without Cause
If you are experiencing unexplained aches and pains or frequent headaches without a medical diagnosis, somatic healing therapy in Brisbane can be your best solution. Such physical symptoms can be due to underlying mental health issues. Our experts under the guidance of professional life coach Thalie Seneque will treat the root cause behind all these. Doing this will help you find relief easily.
4. Difficulty in Relationship Management
If you find yourself struggling with family, friends, and colleagues, therapy can be beneficial. Issues like constant conflict, feelings of disconnection, or difficulty in communication can drain your relationships and cause stress. Our therapists will give you the neutral space to discuss these issues and work towards resolving these conflicts.
Always remember you are not alone. Help is just an appointment away. We are ready with somatic healing therapy sessions in Brisbane. So, schedule a call with us today, we are eager to provide you with best help.